A Teacher’s Controversial Classroom Display Causes Uproar

In a recent viral TikTok video, Kristin Pitzen, a teacher at Newport Mesa School District in Orange County, California, stirred controversy when she revealed that she had removed the American flag from her classroom because it made her feel uncomfortable.

Pitzen also mentioned that during the Pledge of Allegiance, she allows her students to make their own choices on whether to stand or recite the words.

These actions, along with a joking comment about pledging allegiance to the Pride flag, have sparked strong reactions from the online community and the local school board.

Many people expressed their disapproval of Pitzen’s actions, citing the flag as a symbol of the freedom and opportunities that Americans enjoy today. One person commented, “The flag represents those who fought for our freedom, and disrespecting it is an insult to our country.” Another person emphasized the importance of appreciating the privileges and freedoms that the flag symbolizes.

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