
hout their consent. „It’s not my fault that they’re here,” Theaz said. She added: „if you are pregnant right now you need to go you need to hire a psychic medium and ask if they actually wanna be here.”

Viewers who didn’t realise Theaz’s account was satire were confused, with one user commenting: ‘is this real?’ Others left comments such as: ‘you need help,’ ‘please tell me you’re joking,’ ‘now they’re teaching children to sue their parents for money so they don’t have to grow up and work?’

However, many were quick to catch on that Theaz was joking, and once they did, they appreciated the laugh. ‘Best laugh I’ve had all day,’ said one user. Another wrote, ‘ha ha you’re funny, loving the amount of confused people in the comments.’

Theaz has gained over 100,000 followers and 2.5 million likes for her hilarious content.

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