Put a roll of paper towel in your fridge: electricity bill is halved and your family will get these amazing benefits

We all probably keep a few rolls of paper towels handy in the kitchen for cleaning up spills, but did you know that these versatile sheets can work wonders in your fridge too? It might sound a bit odd, but paper towels can be a secret weapon when it comes to keeping your produce fresh for longer. According to Reader’s Digest, placing paper towels in your fridge is a surprisingly effective way to extend the shelf life of your vegetables. This simple trick is a game-changer for anyone tired of seeing their fresh produce wilt and spoil before they can enjoy it.

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Here’s how it works: every time you bring home fresh produce, start by lining your produce drawer with paper towels. If you’ve bought vegetables in a single bag, just toss a paper towel into the bag with them. The key is to replace the paper towels each time you stock up on fresh veggies. The paper towels help by absorbing excess moisture, which is often the culprit behind soggy and wilted produce.

An added bonus? Your produce drawer will stay cleaner for longer, which means less time spent scrubbing the fridge. Few things are more frustrating than food waste, especially with the high cost of fresh produce these days. It’s always disheartening to see fruits and vegetables go bad before you’ve had a chance to use them. That’s where paper towels come in handy. By lining your crisper drawers with paper towels and adding a sheet or two to bags of spinach, lettuce, or other greens, you can keep your produce fresher for a longer period.

Over time, fruits and veggies naturally release the water they’ve been storing. If left unchecked, this moisture can cause produce to sit in water, becoming soggy and eventually wilting. The paper towel absorbs this excess moisture, helping to maintain the freshness and crispness of your fruits and vegetables.

Maybe you’ve already heard of this hack, but if not, now is the perfect time to give it a try! A few sheets of paper towel can make a significant difference in how long your produce stays fresh, reducing food waste and saving you money in the long run. It’s a simple, cost-effective trick that every household should know about.

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